Retail & Consumer

What is the UK's view of the High Street in 2023?

To gauge how consumers feel about their high streets, we surveyed over 2,000 British adults this year on a series of questions relating to the state of the high street.

What does your high street look like today?

It doesn’t take an outsider’s eye to see the state of our high streets for what they are today: in need of some deep and radical rethinking and repurposing for our needs and preferences in 2023 and beyond. Do they need to be “saved” or do they need to evolve?

Our survey of 2,000 British adults paints a picture of growing concern among the public, with many expressing doubts about the vitality and future of the retail sector and expressing concern about how that impacts on them and their communities. Read the report now.

What were our key findings?

43% believe the bricks and mortar retail sector in the UK is in decline, and 38% feel that their local high streets was a shell of what it used to be. Find out what people think about a Royal Commission and more…

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