When looking to grow your business through acquisition, it is crucial to ensure that your acquisition aligns to the strategic and operational objectives of your business. We believe that post-acquisition work should begin well in advance of binding bids being approved, ensuring that integration is a prime focus and that results are delivered by the time your business returns to business-as-usual.

We regularly work with portfolio companies to help plan their post-acquisition strategy, ensuring synergies are realised, efficiencies are delivered, and people and cultures are aligned.

Our services

How can we support you:

  • Planning alongside your integration team or consultancy.
  • Implementing due diligence recommendations and advising on your 90-day plan.
  • Advising on the impact of any earnout or deferred consideration arrangements. To find out more, click here.
  • Company secretarial.
  • People integration and managing cultural change.
  • Harmonising internal policies and procedures to manage risk.
  • Management development training.
  • Managing your property portfolio.
  • Managing your IP portfolio.
  • Managing and streamlining your business portfolio and commercial agreements.
  • Implementing processes to manage your contracts and upskilling your team to support related workstreams, e.g. disputes handling. To find out more, click here.
  • Learn more about our In-house Litigator service. To find out more, click here.

Legal aspects:

  • Hive ups.
  • TUPE.
  • Information and consultation.
  • Changes to terms and conditions.
  • Restructuring/redundancies.
  • Managing key contracts (including terminations, renewals and negotiations).
  • Implementing your 90-day plan.
  • GDPR audits.
  • Updating policies.

Why choose Foot Anstey?

Facilitating integration

While there is no best practice for integration, it’s important to use a form of checklist to collate, track and record all major aspects of the project. These checklists can often start as a template and be tailored to the unique traits of a transaction, used by all teams involved in the project. We can provide clients with High-Q as a project platform which can be used as a joint portal to ensure that all documents are in one place and workflows and milestones are tracked effectively.

We also work with clients to upskill their managers to integrate teams in a strategically aligned way to maximise post-integration return. Our management development training programme is designed to bring about real change in the business by addressing the challenges of differences in culture as well as linking strategic direction, internal processes, good practice and collaboration. To find out more, click here.

Your journey after integration

Once the business has resumed ‘business-as-usual’ status after integration, we will continue to work with you to achieve your commercial objectives and to get the business exit-ready. We can help you to monitor the risk and compliance profile across your portfolio using our Governance Reporting Information Portal (GRIP). To find out more, click here.

Our people

We will work with you to understand your acquisition strategy so that we can support your integration planning from the outset. We have a specialist integration team who will help you to navigate the legal landscape across all work streams, achieving your strategic objectives and minimising risk.

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