Solent Stakeholder Forum on Nitrates

Watch the fifth in our series of the Foot Anstey Solent Stakeholder Forum on Nitrates and the second anniversary of our inaugural event.

Date & Time 1 July 2021 | Recording available

Location Online

Missed the fifth session in our series of the Foot Anstey Solent Stakeholder Forum on Nitrates? You can now watch the session on-demand.

It has been two years since our inaugural event and in this session we recapped on the journey so far, discussed the emerging solutions and how the future of the development industry in the Solent will adapt.


Simon Kennedy

Guest Speaker

Strategic Environmental Planning Officer | Partnership for South Hampshire

Douglas McNab

Guest Speaker

Solent market based mechanisms policy lead | Land Use, Natural Environment Directorate, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Peter Home

Guest Speaker

Associate Director | Turley

Purgle Linham

Guest Speaker

Solent Nutrient Trading Platform Project Manager | Thames Solent Area Team, Natural England