Throughout September 2019, staff from each of our offices took part in the second ever Great Foot Anstey Walk. Staff walked for the Foot Anstey Foundation, raising as much as possible to support grass roots charities in our local communities.
A marathon effort
In 2017 our staff completed a 200 mile relay walk between our Truro office and Bristol office, but this year, we went bigger and better by undertaking multiple walks along a 26 mile route in each office location to raise money for the Foot Anstey Foundation.
And some pedalling too ...
Six of our colleagues decided to hop on their bikes instead. They started their journey at our Truro office, cycled past our Exeter and Taunton sites, before arriving (still smiling!) two days later at our office in Bristol having completed an impressive 275km.

We did it!
With a few adventures on the way including exhausted dogs, chartered boats, ‘route complications’ and changeable weather, everyone did fantastically well and we raised over £5,000 (including GiftAid) for The Foot Anstey Foundation. We look forward to the next Great Foot Anstey walk ... and cycle!