In conversation… Senior manager responsibility for the fair treatment of vulnerable customers

In the context of high inflation and borrowing costs, regulatory scrutiny is intensifying.  Firms must focus on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers and senior managers need to oversee governance and procedures designed to identify and support these vulnerable customers effectively. Our experts Sonya Zywko, Alan Hughes and James Gliddon will cover the following:

  • Why this topic is particularly relevant now.
  • Why senior managers need to take an active interest in the fair treatment of vulnerable customers (including a brief re-cap on the senior managers' regime and individual accountability).
  • What senior managers can do now to get a degree of reassurance (particularly in relation to vulnerable customers in financial difficulty).
  • Broader considerations including in the context of senior managers under the Economic Crime & Corporate Transparency Act 2023 where fraud is alleged and during litigation where senior managers are a party and/or witness.

In conversation… Senior manager responsibility for the fair treatment of vulnerable customers

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