
Sharmaine Nethercott


Career & Experience

Sharmaine is an Associate in the Employment team at the firm. She has experience in advising clients on contentious and non-contentious employment matters, as well as acting for claimants and respondents.

Sharmaine has acted for local and multinational organisations, ranging from SMEs to PLCs, advising clients on various areas of employment law and HR matters, addressing any commercial concerns they have and tailoring advice to meet their needs.

Her scope of work ranges from assisting employers with disciplinary procedures and handling grievances, to representing employers in employment tribunal proceedings.

Outside of work, she enjoys running, swimming, and hiking.


Sharmaine Nethercott


Career & Experience

Sharmaine is an Associate in the Employment team at the firm. She has experience in advising clients on contentious and non-contentious employment matters, as well as acting for claimants and respondents.

Sharmaine has acted for local and multinational organisations, ranging from SMEs to PLCs, advising clients on various areas of employment law and HR matters, addressing any commercial concerns they have and tailoring advice to meet their needs.

Her scope of work ranges from assisting employers with disciplinary procedures and handling grievances, to representing employers in employment tribunal proceedings.

Outside of work, she enjoys running, swimming, and hiking.


  • Defended a school against a claim for constructive unfair dismissal, which involved various safeguarding issues and resulted in the claim being withdrawn.
  • Advised and acted for a Claimant in a claim for unfair dismissal and unlawful deduction from wages. The Tribunal found that the Claimant had been unfairly dismissed and awarded her close to £70,000. The Tribunal also ordered the Respondent to pay £20,000 to the Secretary of State (as a financial penalty).
  • Acted for some 120 Claimants in the judicial pension litigation encompassing the fallout from the CJEU ruling in O'Brien v Ministry of Justice (Case C-432/17) and Supreme Court ruling in Miller v Ministry of Justice [2019] UKSC 60.

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