Projects, Infrastructure & Construction | Dispute Resolution | Energy & Infrastructure
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Dickon Court, Partner, will be speaking at the Renewable Energy Dispute Resolution event, hosted by The West Midlands Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and The College of Law, Social and Criminal Justice of Birmingham City University.
This event will cover topics related to current issues with dispute resolution in the field of renewable energy projects. Matt Molloy of MCMS Ltd will speak about renewable energy disputes from the perspective of a dispute resolver and will address (a) whether renewable energy disputes can be adjudicated? and (b) the types of renewable energy disputes Matt has seen and the issues which arise.
Dickon Court will then explore several topics on disputes in the renewable energy sector in terms of what the industry has seen and what are the expected trends related to:
· Grid connection
· Supply chains and the use and misuse of heads of terms and short form contracts
· The development of the market and the spectre of insolvency
· Allocation of risk, testing, completion, and liabilities
· Specification and warranties
· Where will the industry go from here
17:00 Registration
17:30 Welcome and opening remarks from the event hosts
17:40 Perspective of a Dispute Resolver – Matthew Molloy MCMS
18:25 What the Industry has seen, and what are the trends – Dickon Court Foot Anstey
19:10 Q&A
19:30 Networking
20:00 Close
To find out more, or to book on to the event, please visit their dedicated Eventbrite page.